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Young woman holding compass in hand in summer mountains at sunrise


Classroom2Career logo

Apprenticeships are designed to provide high school students with opportunities to gain practical work experience and education in various trades and industries. Apprenticeships are intended to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application through partnerships with local businesses and organizations. This allows students to earn while they learn, gaining valuable skills that can lead to career opportunities after graduation.

Apprenticeship program statstics

  • 13000+
    Career Technical Education Students
  • 2,000+
    Business Partners
  • 1,000,000
    Apprenticeship Hours
  • $3,000,00
    Dollars Earned
Young man holding business bag on top of peak mountain and looking into the sunset.

Explore Entrepreneurship

Find resources to help you start up your own business.

West Virginia Mountains in Autumn

Discover Careers

Browse careers by industry or learn more about careers that match your interests at Career Finder.

stylish hipster traveler exploring map at sunny forest and lake in the mountains

Search Colleges

Locate colleges, institutions, and technical schools in your area.

Learn more about post-secondary opportunities in West Virginia

ACE logo

Technical School (1 Year)

Advanced Career Education (ACE) offers credentials, certifications, and licenses in growing industries across the state to make you more valuable in today’s job market.

WV Invests logo

Community College (2 Year)

Nine community and technical colleges located across the Mountain State represent the West Virginia Community and Technical College System. No matter where you live in our state, a hands-on educational experience is close to home – and, thanks to West Virginia Invests, chances are you can get your credential for free!

CFWV logo

Colleges & Universities (4 Year)

West Virginia’s four-year public higher education system includes 12 campuses that offer vast opportunities for a high-quality education at an affordable cost. Visit to learn more about the state scholarships and grants that can open these doors and help you get your start.

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