Student Support and Wellness

Our support and wellness programs focus on the well-being of the whole child, from their mental and physical health to create safe school communities

Areas of Support

Mental, Behavioral, and Physical Health

Explore resources for parents and school personnel (including counselors, nurses, social workers) to empower the mental, behavorial, and physical health of our students.

Child Nutrition

Get information on school nutrition programs, including Summer EBT, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program.

School Safety

Get tools and templates for addressing school safety, including crisis and response plans, student threat assessments, and bullying prevention.

Mother and child glance at one another while working on a document together and lying on the floor.

Free Mental-Health Support for Parents and Children provides 24/7 online support to help support parents and their children with therapy, coaching, and parenting sessions. 

The tools and resources are also available for free for West Virginia families.

Wellness Initiatives for Students and School Communities

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Community learning centers offer academic enrichment and family engagement opportunities during non-school hours for students in high-poverty, low-performing schools.

Communities in Schools

Communities In Schools (CIS) West Virginia provides integrated student supports to meet the basic needs of children, including individual support, targeted programs, and school-wide support.

Students Experiencing Homelessness

Discover how West Virginia public schools uphold parent-student rights, offering equal education for homeless students with dignity and respect and ensuring access to educational opportunities.

ESEA Title Programs

Provides financial assistance to LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) and schools with high numbers or percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

West Virginia Snapshot

Get a county-by-county breakdown of student support and wellness programs.

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