Division Directory

Abstract grids of white dots

Looking for an overview?

Our org chart graphically summarizes the leadership, team, and employee structure visually.

Mathematical Habits of Mind Poster Contest winners were recognized at the Aug. 2024 West Virginia Board of Education meeting.

Federal Programs & Support

Providing access to educational opportunities and support that meet the needs of students across West Virginia public schools. 

Pictured is Michele Blatt assisting a student sitting at a desk with an activity.

Accountability Programs

Monitoring the academic success of schools and encourages administrators to create outcome-driven, innovative, and accountable learning environments.

Teacher pointing to classroom and holding a smart board pen.

PK-Adult Instruction & Career Engagement

Access to educational support for the youngest to the oldest learners, information on engaging career technical education opportunities, and programs that showcase student creativity and excellence.  

Putnam Career Tech Culineering Challenge Team

Data Management & Information Systems

Technical support and digital safety measures for students, educators, administrators, parents, and more within the PK-12 system.

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This feedback is reviewed regularly to help us improve our site. For immediate service and support please refer to our employee directory.