Inter-Agency Data Agreements
Scholarship Eligibility Information
WVDE and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WV HEPC) have entered into an agreement that allows WVDE to share certain information about students’ eligibility for state-sponsored scholarships (e.g., PROMISE Scholarship) as part of financial aid packages for postsecondary education.
Educator Information
WVDE and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WV HEPC) have entered into an agreement that allows WVDE to provide WV HEPC with information about educators’ professional credentials, employment and assignment, professional experience, and related information to assist in the evaluation of educator preparation program quality and inform the program accreditation process.
One-Time Immunization Information Transmission
WVDE and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WV DHHR) entered into a limited-term agreement allowing WVDE to transfer all information related to student immunization (required by state law for school enrollment) to the WV DHHR for permanent storage in the West Virginia Statewide Immunization Information System.
Students in State Care or Support Programs
WVDE and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WV DHHR) entered into an agreement allowing WV DHHR to provide relevant information about students in the care or custody of the state or who receive supportive services through state programs. The information is used to directly certify students as eligible for free- or reduced price school meals, monitor the academic progress and success of students in foster care, inform funding decisions and arrangements for students with exceptionalities who are placed out-of-state, inform federal reporting, and conduct other monitoring and verification activities as required.
Medicaid Claims Administration
WVDE and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WV DHHR) have entered into joint agreements with every school district authorizing the various agencies to work together, including providing necessary data, to support Medicaid claims billing and administration. The agreement linked below is an exemplar for the agreements entered into by all West Virginia school districts.
P-20 Data System Collaboration
WVDE and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WV HEPC) have entered into an agreement that allows WVDE to provide WV HEPC with information about students as part of the statewide longitudinal data system established by W. Va. Code § 18B-1D-10.