ESEA Programs
Title Programs
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) has several title programs that provide federal aid for elementary and secondary education.
Title I
Provides financial assistance to LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) and schools with high numbers or percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
Title II
Provides grants to State educational agencies and sub-grants to local educational agencies to improve student achievement and effectiveness of teachers.
Title III
Promotes student achievement by increasing the local capacity to support English Learners in attaining English proficiency and meaningfully access challenging curricular and extracurricular programs.
Title IV – Part A
Improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, LEAs, Schools, and local communities to provide a well-rounded education, improve conditions for student learning, and improve students’ digital literacy.
Title IV – Part B (21st CCLC)
Provides federal funding to support opportunities for communities to establish activities in community learning centers (21st Century Community Learning Centers).
Title V
Providing financial assistance to rural districts to assist them in meeting their state’s definition of student progress.