
The Office of Assessment manages test development, administration, scoring and reporting of results for the statewide comprehensive assessments.


General Summative Assessment

For students in grades 3-8.

Alternative Summative Assessment

For students in grades 3-8 and 11 who receive instruction via the West Virginia Alternate Academic Achievement Standards.

SAT School Day

General Summative Assessment for grade 11 students.

Non-Summative Assessments

For grades 3-8 that can be administered prior to the General Summative Assessment.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP is the largest assessment of U.S. students’ knowledge in core subjects

International Assessments

Assessments administered in the United States by National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

A young female holds a marker while staring with determination at an addition problem on the whiteboard.

Looking for Data?

ZoomWV is West Virginia's single source for pre-k through grade 12 educational data. Find state assessment results, enrollment, and graduation rates online.

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