Program Evaluation and Analysis
The Office of Data Management and Information Systems provides scientifically rigorous, independent, and objective research, data analysis, and program evaluation services to state education policy makers and the West Virginia Department of Education. Major topics investigated in recent years include the following:
- Afterschool programming
- Annual data security or privacy report
- Assessment and accountability
- CDC youth risk behavior surveillance
- CDC school health profiles
- Harassment, intimidation or bullying
- Professional learning
- School climate
- School discipline referrals and interventions
- Teaching and learning
Afterschool Programming
21st Century Community Learning Centers, 2015- 2016: A descriptive evaluation by Patricia Cahape Hammer & Andy Whisman (2017).
21st Century Community Learning Centers, 2014-2015: A descriptive evaluation by Larry J. White, Andy Whisman, and Patricia Cahape Hammer (2015)
21st Century Community Learning Centers, 2014-2015: A quasi-experimental investigation of program impacts on student achievement in mathematics and reading/language arts by Larry J. White and Andy Whisman (2015)
21st Century Community Learning Centers: A descriptive evaluation, 2013-2014 by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Larry J. White (2015)
21st Century Community Learning Centers: A Descriptive Evaluation for 2012-2013 by Larry J. White (2014)
21st Century Community Learning Centers 2012-2013: A quasi-experimental investigation of program impacts on student achievement in mathematics and reading/language arts by Larry White and Nate Hixson (2014)
21st Century Community Learning Centers: A Descriptive Evaluation for 2011-2012 by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Larry J. White (2012)
Annual Data Security or Privacy Report
Education data privacy in the mountain state by WVDE Data Governance Team
- 2015 annual report from the West Virginia Department of Education
- 2014 annual report from the West Virginia Department of Education
Assessment and Accountability
Findings from the 2012 West Virginia online writing scoring comparability study by Nate Hixson and Vaughn Rhudy (2013)
Findings from the 2011 West Virginia online writing scoring comparability study by Nate Hixson and Vaughn Rhudy (2012)
CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
2017 W.Va. Youth Risk Behavior Survey materials from the West Virginia Department of Education
List of available materials, June 2018
- High school fact sheets
- High school risk behavior poster
- High school wellness behavior poster
- High school risk behaviors trends summary
- High school wellness behaviors trends summary
High school risk and wellness behaviors self-test
- Middle school fact sheets
- Middle school risk behavior poster
- Middle school wellness behavior poster
- Middle school risk behaviors trends summary
- Middle school wellness behaviors trends summary
Middle school risk and wellness behaviors self-test
2017 W.Va. Youth Risk Behavior Reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- High school 10-year trend report
- High school 1993-2017 trend report
- High school risk behaviors by level of academic achievement
- High school risk behaviors by sexual identity
- High school graphs (all items)
- High school graphs (all items) PowerPoint
- High school graphs summary graphs
- High school graphs summary graphs PowerPoint
- High school summary tables
- Middle school 10-year trend report
- Middle school 1993-2017 trend report
- Middle school risk behaviors by level of academic achievement
- Middle school graphs (all items)
- Middle school graphs (all items) PowerPoint
- Middle school graphs summary graphs
- Middle school graphs summary graphs PowerPoint
- Middle school summary tables
- Middle school survey summary
West Virginia Youth Risk Behavior Survey Topical Reports by Birgit A. Shanholtzer (2017)
- Alcohol Use
- Bullying and Suicidal Ideation
- Dietary Behavior
- Disease Prevention
- Drug Use
- Injury Risk
- Physical Activity
- Sexual Behavior
- Tobacco Use
- Violence
West Virginia Youth Risk Behavior/School Health fact sheets, 2016 – by Birgit A. Shanholtzer (2016)
West Virginia Youth Risk Behavior/School Health fact sheets, 2015 by Chad Morrison (2015)
West Virginia Youth Risk Behavior Survey executive summary, 2013 by Chad Morrison (2015)
CDC School Health Profiles
School health profiles 2014 West Virginia rankings by Birgit A. Shanholtzer (2016)
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying
A descriptive analysis of harassment, intimidation, or bullying student behaviors: 2015-2016 by Andy Whisman (2017).
A descriptive analysis of harassment, intimidation, or bullying student behaviors: 2014-2015 by Andy Whisman (2015)
A descriptive analysis of harassment, intimidation, or bullying student behaviors: 2013-2014 by Andy Whisman (2015)
A descriptive analysis of harassment, intimidation, and bullying student behaviors: 2012-2013 by Andy Whisman (2014)
Professional Learning
Catalyst Schools research study by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2016)
- The Learning School approach and student proficiency in ELA and math – Preliminary Findings
- Catalyst Schools’ implementation of the Learning School Initiative
- Supporting statewide implementation of the Learning School Initiative
- Spotlight on RESA 2 – Regional implementation of the Learning School Initiative
- Spotlight on RESA 6 – Regional implementation of the Learning School
Creating the context and employing best practices for teacher professional development: A brief review of recent research by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2013)
Educator enhancement academies evaluation study phase 2. Teacher and trainer reports of NxGen professional development and their sense of preparedness by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Nate Hixson (2015)
Educator Enhancement Academies evaluation study: Phase 1-preparation of RESA-based, Next Generation CSO trainers by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Nate Hixson (2014)
Extended professional development in project-based learning: impacts on 21st Century Skills teaching and student achievement by Nate K. Hixson, Jason Ravitz, Andy Whisman (2012)
Implementation of the Master Plan for Statewide Professional Staff Development for 2014-2015: An Evaluation Study by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2015)
Implementation of the Master Plan for Statewide Professional Staff Development for 2013-2014: An Evaluation Study by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2014)
Implementation of the Master Plan for Statewide Professional Staff Development for 2012-2013: An Evaluation Study by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2014)
Implementation of the Master Plan for Statewide Professional Staff Development for 2011-2012: An Evaluation Study by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2012)
Mathematics Academies 2011-2013: Cohort 1 evaluation study by Amber D. Stohr (2014)
Results of a statewide professional learning survey of West Virginia school principals and teachers by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Nate Hixson (2014)
School Climate
ESEA LEA consolidated monitoring 2011-2012: feedback from sub-recipients by Anduamlak Meharie (2012)
Graduation 20/20 pilot focus group results by Amber D. Stohr (2015)
School improvement grant: evaluation report for 2010-2011 (redacted edition) by Anduamlak Meharie, Nate Hixson, and Patricia Cahape Hammer (2013)
Supplemental educational services in the State of West Virginia: Evaluation report for 2011-2012 by Anduamlak Meharie (2012)
West Virginia safe and supportive schools project: Year 2 implementation evaluation report by Andy Whisman (2013)
The West Virginia School Climate Index: Validity and associations with academic outcome measures by Andy Whisman (2012)
The West Virginia School Climate Index: A measure of school engagement, safety, and environment by Andy Whisman (2012)
West Virginia universal free meals pilot: evaluation report by Anduamlak Meharie, Andy Whisman, Nate Hixson, Patricia Cahape Hammer, Yetty A. Shobo, Amber Stohr
Student Discipline Referrals and Interventions
School discipline data collection and reporting – A status report for the 2013–2014 school year by Andy Whisman (2015)
The association between school discipline and academic performance: A case for positive discipline approaches by Andy Whisman and Patricia Cahape Hammer (2014)
Improving school discipline data collection and reporting: A status report for the 2012-2013 school year by Andy Whisman (2013)
Teaching and Learning
A cohort study of arts participation and academic performance by Andy Whisman and Nate Hixson (2012)
Educator evaluation pilot project: Results from a midyear survey of teachers in all participating schools by Anduamlak Meharie (2012)
Effects of disability labels on students with exceptionalities: A brief review of the research literature by Patricia Cahape Hammer
Evaluation of the Student-Centered Arts-Learning Environments (SCALE) project, 2013 report by Patricia Cahape Hammer and Nate Hixson (2013)
Instructional planning time: A review of existing research and educator practice during the 2012-2013 school year by Nate Hixson, Amber D. Stohr, and Patricia Cahape Hammer (2013)
The Middle School Algebra Readiness Initiative: An analysis of teacher outcomes and student mathematics achievement and gains by Nate K. Hixson (2012)
Response to Intervention, an introduction: a brief review of the research literature by Patricia Cahape Hammer (2012)
The West Virginia alternate identification and reporting program by Yetty A. Shobo, Anduamlak Meharie, Patricia Cahape Hammer, and Nate Hixson (2012)
West Virginia revised educator evaluation system for teachers 2011-2012: First-year pilot report by Anduamlak Meharie and Nate Hixson (2013)
The West Virginia Special Education Technology Integration Specialist (SETIS) program: 2012-2014 Evaluation report by Amber D. Stohr (2015)
The West Virginia Special Education Technology Integration Specialist (SETIS) program: 2011-2012 evaluation report by Amber Stohr (2013)
The West Virginia Special Education Technology Integration Specialist program: Examining reported expected and actual use by teachers by Yetty A. Shobo and Nate Hixson (2012)