Support continuous school improvement in all schools and school districts
Assist identified low performing schools as well as other schools and districts as requested
Focus on leadership at the building and school district levels
Build district capacity to support low performing schools to guide continuous improvement
Support the development of network schools based on Predictive Analytics to guide continuous improvement
The West Virginia Standards for High-Quality Schools (Policy 2322) form the foundation of school improvement efforts. These Standards outline clear expectations for excellence, provide rubrics for self-reflection and drive continuous improvement for all schools in the state. The West Virginia Standards for High-Quality Schools consist of seven standards with individual function statements and indicators. The WVDE Office of Leadership & System Support provides targeted support that promotes school-wide efforts aligned to the West Virginia Standards for Effective Schools.
Community members are invited by schools to take an active role in the Cycle of Continuous Improvement. Parents, guardians, and community members may be asked to serve as committee members of the school LSIC (Local School Improvement Council), as stakeholder input is essential to the School Strategic Planning process.
The WVDE Office of Leadership & System Support conducts Diagnostic Reviews of individual schools. Parents and guardians are also invited to participate in this process, which provides the school with a detailed set of recommendations for school improvement based on the West Virginia Standards for High Quality Schools.
Cycle For Continuous Improvement
For the past decade, the WVDE has utilized the framework of the Standards for High Quality Schools and a school improvement process based on the research of Project ASSIST at the University of Missouri-Columbia, the Education Alliance at Brown University, and the Center on Innovation and Improvement. This model has produced improved results in the Title I, Part A, 1003(g) School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools and the ESEA Flexibility Priority schools.
However, moving forward this model will be adapted to reflect the US Department of Education promoted Cycle of Continuous Improvement (depicted above) because it includes focused consideration of evidenced based interventions. Including this as part of the cycle of continuous improvement in an intentional way provides LEAs with an understanding of the importance around using relevant, evidence-based interventions to bring about rapid change to identified schools. This adapted framework will support LEAs in building capacity to work with their identified CSI and TSI schools to select and implement interventions that have the highest probability of improving student achievement.
WV County Strategic Plan
The Strategic Planning Process for counties and schools is designed to focus the essential work of the cycle of continuous improvement around key areas of need. The process is made meaningful through the analysis of relevant data and the inclusion of stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and the community. Established goals are reevaluated and revised yearly as needs change and progress is made.