For the past decade, the WVDE has utilized the framework of the Standards for High Quality Schools and a school improvement process based on the research of Project ASSIST at the University of Missouri-Columbia, the Education Alliance at Brown University, and the Center on Innovation and Improvement. This model has produced improved results in the Title I, Part A, 1003(g) School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools and the ESEA Flexibility Priority schools.
However, moving forward this model will be adapted to reflect the US Department of Education promoted Cycle of Continuous Improvement because it includes focused consideration of evidenced based interventions. Including this as part of the cycle of continuous improvement in an intentional way provides LEAs with an understanding of the importance around using relevant, evidence-based interventions to bring about rapid change to identified schools. This adapted framework will support LEAs in building capacity to work with their identified CSI and TSI schools to select and implement interventions that have the highest probability of improving student achievement.