
Explore careers of the military, participate in programs which build leadership skills, and learn about contests and scholarships which promote democracy.

Resources for Students

Civil Air Patrol

Students can participate in the Civil Air Patrol and contribute to real-life missions for the public. Cadet gain leadership skills, physical fitness, and an aerospace education.

Youth Leaders Camp

The West Virginia National Guard’s Youth Leaders Camp is an unparalleled leadership opportunity for 15- to 18-year-old students seeking a physically demanding, mentally challenging and rewarding program.

Military Academies, ROTC, and Enlistment

The Armed Forces offer a wide variety of postsecondary education and employment opportunities. View of list of military academies, ROTC programs in WV, and enlistment opportunities.

Careers in the Military

At, students participate in guided career exploration of the many jobs they can pursue in the military.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Youth Contests and Scholarships

The VFW offers a variety of programs designed to engage and support students.

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