What is Unite with Numeracy?
HeaderWhat is Unite with Numeracy?
Unite with Numeracy is a comprehensive plan for educators at all programmatic levels to elevate the math4life goals of enhancing teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogy, and increasing student achievement and engagement. The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) is concentrating efforts on engaging, equipping, and empowering mathematics educators.
The Time is Now
Quality instruction lays the groundwork for a student’s success in future educational, employment, or enlistment opportunities. Factors inside and outside the classroom have influenced student achievement in mathematics throughout the last decade. Educator support, improved instructional practices, and partnerships between schools and families/guardians are a few ways to improve mathematical instruction and student comprehension.
Common Questions
West Virginia Department of Education’s summer educational symposium, INVEST
- Host professional learning experiences and networking for educators of mathematics across West Virginia
math4life resources
- Revise standards-aligned Educators’ Guides and Support documents
- Create standards-focused units of instruction utilizing the unit design framework
- Update family engagement brochures
CSI schools
- Provide math coaches/consultants and instructional support for CSI schools
Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM)
- Develop educator videos
- Publish a family engagement video series
- Initiate a student poster contest. View details on the contest requirements and additional information on the Mathematical Habits of Mind
West Virginia Leaders of Numeracy Educator Network
- Leverage county recommended mathematics educators to build a collaborative network to promote mathematics and student achievement and engagement
- Model research-based, pedagogical practices
- Prepare network educators to lead professional learning sessions in their counties in West Virginia
The Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) refer to the cognitive processes students use when identifying, classifying, solving, and communicating the findings of a mathematical problem. Students proficient in using the MHM can apply these eight processes to everyday problem-solving. These include:
- Make sense of problems and persevere and solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
With a growing list of resources available at wvde.us/math4life, educators and families/guardians can be proactive in the learning process. The level of involvement educators and families/guardians show in a student’s mathematical learning can influence achievement, increase interest in mathematics, and strengthen the resilience to overcome challenging concepts. Collaborative efforts in the classroom and at home help to foster students’ skills in their journey to become successful mathematicians.