WV Board of Education Approves Training for Personnel Realignment
Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) approved personnel realignment training for county boards of education during its February meeting in Charleston today. The four-hour training will be provided by the West Virginia School Board Association with support from the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE). Additionally, the WVDE will provide training and technical support for the West Virginia Association of School Administrators and county financial directors.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, several rounds of federal Covid relief funding were provided to states to distribute to districts. The American Rescue Plan-Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief funding (ARP-ESSER) addressed the mounting and unique needs of counties and schools caused by the global pandemic. Counties used the funds to support classroom instruction and extended learning, and to address extenuating challenges that impacted school operations and student well-being. The ARP-ESSER funds expire on September 30, 2024.
The WVDE has provided guidance to counties based on the U.S. Department of Education’s requirements and regulations on the use of these funds. With counties entering personnel season this spring, they will need to have a plan for positions supported by the expiring ARP-ESSER funds.
“We have been informing our counties of the looming deadline since the funds were distributed in 2020 so they could be proactive in their planning,” said State Superintendent of Schools Michele L. Blatt. “It is our hope with the employment needs we have throughout our school system that some of these staff overages can be used to fill vacancies in our counties.”
There are 1,458.3 full-time positions throughout the state currently funded by federal COVID relief dollars, and almost all counties have positions using these funds.
Virtual Charter Public School Assessments
The WVBE approved a statewide waiver of Policy 2340, section 4.8.a., allowing students attending virtual charter public schools to test remotely for the West Virginia General Summative Assessment in grades 3 – 8 in the subjects of English language arts, mathematics and science. The waiver takes effect this spring, utilizes the Cambium Assessment Remote Testing/Proctoring tool and requires the school, proctors, parents and students to agree to all state requirements. The waiver does not apply to the West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment, the English Language Proficiency Assessment-21 (ELPA) or the SAT School Day.
The next regularly scheduled WVBE meeting is at 9 a.m., Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in Building 6, Suite 600, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia.
For media inquiries, contact Christy Day, WVDE Office of Communications, at 304-558-2699 or Christy.Day@k12.wv.us.