Board Members

The West Virginia Board of Education is established in the West Virginia Constitution. The Board is vested with general supervision of the state’s elementary and secondary schools.

Its 11 members include nine citizens appointed by the governor and three non-voting ex-officio members — the state superintendent of schools, the chancellor of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and the chancellor of Community and Technical College Education. The state superintendent is a constitutional officer who serves at the will and pleasure of the board. Board members serve overlapping terms of nine years. No more than five citizen members may belong to the same political party.

The Board meets monthly to determine the educational policies of the elementary and secondary schools and to establish the rules that carry into effect state law regarding education. The state Board of Education also has general control, supervision and management of the business and educational affairs of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.

Ex Officio

Ex Officio members do not have voting privileges and serve by virtue of their professional titles and positions.

Dr. Sarah Armstrong Tucker headshot

Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Ph.D.

Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission &
West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education

Michele Blatt headshot

Michele L. Blatt

State Superintendent of Schools

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