SEBT provides grocery-buying benefits to income eligible families with school-aged children when schools are closed for the summer.

Summer EBT (SEBT) is a federal benefit program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In West Virginia, the two State Agencies that are the leads on the program for West Virginia children are the West Virginia Department of Human Services (DoHS) and the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE). The benefit is federally funded. The governing rules are determined by Congress and the USDA. Schools do not administer the program.

Yes, the two programs are different. During the pandemic emergency, special temporary rules allowed for an emergency benefit program to be established to support West Virginia children. All federal pandemic waivers have expired and a new program has been established. Pandemic EBT (PEBT) is over and new benefits will not be issued through that program. This new program is Summer EBT (SEBT). SEBT will only be offered in the summer months. The major difference between these programs is eligibility. If your child attended a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school during the pandemic, your student automatically received PEBT. Under SEBT, only children that qualify based upon household income status will receive the benefit. The program is designed to reach low-income households with school-aged children.

  • If your child attends a CEP school and receives an eligible public benefit, as listed in FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’ you do not need to apply. Your child will automatically receive the summer benefit.
  • If your child attends a CEP school and does not receive an eligible public benefit but you qualify within the income guidelines, you will need to apply. See FAQ ‘7. Where can I complete an application?’.

Children attending non-CEP schools that have a current approved free/reduced lunch application with their county child nutrition program or already receive a public benefit, as listed in FAQ 8, will receive the summer benefit.

The application portal that is available is for income eligible students that attended a school that participates in a federal school meals program (National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program) during the 2023-2024 school year, but that school does not collect income or free/reduced-price applications. This largely includes children who attend CEP schools where all students eat for free without applications. See FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’.

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a meal service option for local education agencies (LEAs) in high-poverty areas. CEP allows participating LEAs and schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting free/reduced lunch applications.

All 55 county boards of education participate in CEP. Most counties are fully CEP, which means all county board of education schools that are shaded blue on this map are CEP. The counties in gold on the map mean some schools are CEP and others are not. In the 2023-2024 school year, schools participating in the federal school meals programs had the option of mid-year election of CEP. This means your child’s school may have started out as non-CEP, but halfway through the school year, they became a fully participating CEP school.

Most county boards of education are fully CEP. Only Berkeley, Putnam, and Raleigh County Boards of Education are partial-CEP.

For a printable version of the 2024 CEP Map download the Current CEP Map (pdf).

Guidelines To Determine Participant Eligibility For Free and Reduced Price Meals


Effective from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Amounts based on annual family income before deductions

Eligible For Free Meals FY 2023-2024

Household SizeYearlyMonthlyTwice Per MonthEvery Two WeeksWeekly
For each additional family member add

Eligible For Reduced Price Meals FY 2023-2024

Household SizeYearlyMonthlyTwicePerMonthEveryTwoWeeksWeekly
For each additional family member add

For a printable PDF of this information, please see 2023-2024 Participant Income Eligibility Guidelines


Effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Amounts based on annual family income before deductions

Eligible For Free Meals FY 2024-2025

Household SizeYearlyMonthlyTwice Per MonthEvery Two WeeksWeekly
For each additional family member add

Eligible For Reduced Price Meals FY 2024-2025

Household SizeYearlyMonthlyTwicePerMonthEveryTwoWeeksWeekly

For a printable PDF of this information, please see 2024-2025 Participant Income Eligibility Guidelines

Conversion FactorAnnual Income Conversion

  • Weekly X 52
  • Every 2 Weeks X 26
  • Twice A Month X 24
  • Monthly X 12

Applications should only be completed if your child attends a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the school does not collect free/reduced-price meal applications. This will largely only apply to students who attend CEP schools in West Virginia. You should complete the application if you are not receiving another public benefit as defined in FAQ ‘8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’, and you believe your household meets the federal income guidelines.


The link to the SEBT application will be available through School Café on the WVSEBT website.

Only one application per child is accepted. If you submit multiple applications for one child, it will likely result in your child’s application being delayed in processing. If you have more than one child in the household that attends a CEP school, please complete one application for each child individually.

Paper applications are available at county DoHS field offices. You may also contact the office of Constituent Services at 1-877-716-1212 to request a paper application to be mailed to your home address. If you have a smartphone or access to the internet, the online application is the best way to apply.

Important: Your child’s school will NOT have paper applications available nor will they collect or receive SEBT applications as this is a State benefit, not a county-level benefit.

If your household receives and/or is identified by participating in another one of these programs, children in your household meeting enrollment and/or compulsory age requirements will automatically be eligible for SEBT:

  • SNAP
  • Medicaid (*income qualifying only)
  • Foster
  • Homeless
  • Migrant
  • Runaway
  • Head Start

As stated in FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’, children who meet the enrollment or compulsory school-age requirements for the program and are in foster care are eligible for SEBT.

No, WVCHIP is not a benefit program that results in automatic eligibility for SEBT.

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federal child nutrition program that has nutrition guidelines for meals for children and provides reimbursement to sponsors or schools that operate NSLP. The reimbursement is from the federal government and helps offset the cost of providing meals to children. The NSLP has been a long-standing federal program, and next to SNAP, it is the most accessed federal nutrition program in the United States. The West Virginia Department of Education is the State Agency that oversees the administration of NSLP in West Virginia.

Private and charter schools are eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Low-income students who attend these schools are eligible for SEBT if income guidelines are met. If you have completed a free or reduced-price school meals application for the 2023-2024 school year at your participating school, you will not need to complete a separate application for SEBT. Your student will automatically be issued the benefit if your meal application has been approved.

In West Virginia during the 2023-2024 school year, the following private schools are participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP):

Central Catholic High School
75 14th street
Wheeling, WV 26003

Fairmont Catholic Grade School
416 Madison St.
Fairmont, WV 26554

70 Friends-R-Fun Drive
Summersville, WV 26651

Harrison County Catholic (sponsor)
St. Mary’s Grade School &
Notre Dame High School
127 E. Pike Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301

Heritage Christian Academy
300 Elwood Street
Ravenswood, WV 26164

New Life Christian Academy
899 Broad Street
Summersville, WV 26651

St. Francis of Assisi School
110 E. Stephen St.
Martinsburg, WV 25401

St. Francis De Sales School
622 South Oakwood Avenue
Beckley, WV 25801

St. Joseph School
110 E. Stephen St.
Martinsburg, WV 25401

St. Paul School Weirton
140 Walnut St
Weirton, WV 26062

St. Peter and Paul
123 Elmore Street
Oak Hill, WV 25901

Wood County Christian Schools Inc
113 W. 9th Street
Williamstown, WV 26187

In West Virginia during the 2023-2024 school year, the following charter school is participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP):

Eastern Panhandle Preparatory Academy
449 Rose Hill Drive
Kearneysville, WV 25430

If your child is school-aged (6-17, which is what USDA authorized West Virginia for this category of students) and attends a school, other than a brick-and-mortar public or private school that does not participate in the NSLP or is homeschooled, they are eligible for SEBT only if your household receives another qualifying public benefit – see FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’.

Federal law prohibits states from collecting income only application from these groups of students.

In West Virginia, for this program, compulsory school age is defined as ages 6-17. For the purposes of SEBT, this age range applies to those students who are receiving schooling from another source, other than a brick-and-mortar school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Eligibility will be determined by the student’s eligibility in a public benefits program, as defined in FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs?’.

No. New cards will be issued for SEBT. There will be a new case number assigned to each eligible child in West Virginia.

Cards for eligible students will be identified as Summer EBT on the face of the card and will have to be activated before the first use.

States are required to confirm enrollment for students attending a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program.

Individuals completing an application for benefits are not guaranteed benefits. Applications must be processed and reviewed for accuracy and eligibility. Income information entered in the application is subject to verification. Please refer to the current year’s income guidelines as listed in FAQ ‘6. What are the income guidelines?‘.

The total SEBT benefit is $120 per eligible child and issued as a one-time benefit.

No. This benefit is designed to reach eligible children in West Virginia during the summer period only. It cannot be issued during emergency school closures or for any other reason during the regular school year.

Benefits are time-sensitive, and they will no longer be available for use 122 days (about 4 months) from issuance.

Any remaining SEBT benefits will be held on the account for an additional four months to ensure that the charges incurred during the 122 days (about 4 months) are covered.

Any SEBT benefits remaining on the child’s card will be removed within approximately four months after issuance. Once a benefit expires, it cannot be reissued.

No, the funds on the SEBT are intended for use during the summer months and do not carry over to the next year or onto another existing benefit card. It’s important to use benefits within the specified time frame. Any unused benefits will be expunged or removed from the card 122 days after the benefit is issued.

Participants who receive SEBT will be able to purchase SNAP-eligible food, as defined in the Food and Nutrition Act, at any retail store approved for participation with SNAP.

Generally, these food items are packaged, containing a nutritional label. SEBT cannot be spent on hot or pre-prepared meals. Along with grocery stores, SEBT can be redeemed at all WV farmer market locations. For a list of eligible foods see Snap- Eligible Food Items.

No. Your child will not receive SEBT.

If your student meets all other eligibility criteria as residing in a low-income household and they graduate at the end of the school year, they will still be eligible for the SEBT for the same year they graduate. They will not be eligible in future years.

If the student resides in a household that meets the income-eligibility of the program, then yes. If the household receives another public benefit, as defined in FAQ 8. Which public benefit programs meet the eligibility criteria for SEBT?’, the student will automatically be issued the benefit.

No, this program is not available to higher education students. It is designed to reach children residing in low-income households and meet the appropriate enrollment and/or compulsory age requirements of the program.

No, this program is not available to senior citizens. It is designed to reach children residing in low-income households and meet the appropriate enrollment and/or compulsory age requirements of the program.

For the summer of 2024 only, if your child receives the benefit through automatic issuance based upon records the State has regarding your household’s benefit status and you do not wish to accept the benefit, please destroy the card, or contact the local DoHS county office to request benefit removal. Unused funds will expunge 122 days (about 4 months) from issuance and be returned to the federal program.

Cards cannot be donated or transferred to anyone else. Doing so is federally prohibited under law and subject to punishment.

West Virginia currently has one year-round school through a county board of education. Piedmont Elementary School is a year-round school that participates in the CEP. Students who receive public benefits, as defined in FAQ 8, will automatically be issued a card in the child’s name. No further action is needed. If your child attends Piedmont Elementary and your household does not receive a qualifying public benefit, but you believe you can establish eligibility as a low-income household, you will need to complete an application for your student online (see FAQ ‘7. Where Can I complete an application?’) or by visiting a local DoHS office.

Yes, your student can still access a Summer Food Service Program site. Each year, there are approximately 500+ locations that provide enrichment activities and summer meals at no charge to children up to the age 18. Your student can access these meals whether they receive the SEBT or not.

To learn more about the Summer Food Service Program, please see West Virginia Summer Food Service Program.

Each state chooses whether or not to operate Summer EBT. West Virginia SEBT is available for eligible children residing in West Virginia.

Each eligible child will receive benefits on a card issued in the child’s name. The parent or guardian of that child is able to use the card to buy groceries for the child.

No, your child does not need to be present when making grocery purchases using SEBT benefits.

Benefits are issued in the name of the child. The State will have this information as established through existing enrollment, application, and public benefit records. Each card will be mailed to the child’s address on file with their school to the primary guardian and/or to the guardian listed on their public benefit record. The benefit is designed to follow the child. Adults caring for the child at different times can use the benefit to support the child’s nutritional needs during the summer months.

SEBT is a state-level program and process. Schools may have limited knowledge about this program, but ultimately this web site and the customer support toll-free telephone numbers are your best resources for receiving information about the program. Individual schools are not managing or navigating this program. County board offices will have limited information as well. You are encouraged to view this website and other posted communication channels here for support or more information. DoHS field offices can provide support and information. This is a public benefit program being administered by the State of West Virginia.

Prior to your student receiving their benefit, a letter addressed to them, in care of their parent or guardian, will be mailed to the address on file for that child. This letter is extremely important. It contains card activation and the case number information for the child. You will need to keep this letter. The information will be needed to access the SEBT benefits when you receive the Summer EBT card in a separate envelope.

The student’s benefit card will be mailed separately from their benefit letter. It will come in a plain white envelope with a Sioux Falls, South Dakota return address. Please watch for this envelope in the mail. You will need both the card from this envelope and the benefit letter you received separately for benefit activation.

If a child is eligible based upon the household’s status of SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or Foster – the card will be in the child’s name and mailed to the guardian and address on file with DoHS.

No, SEBT is a permanent federal program and is not dependent upon federally declared emergencies or pandemics. At this time, all COVID-19 waivers and federal declarations have expired. This is a new and different program from PEBT.

Schools, community organizations, and local leaders can play a vital role in spreading awareness about the program. This may include distributing informational materials and pointing families in the direction of this web site and the state-managed hotline (1-866-545-6502) for customer service support.

You may request replacement of Summer EBT benefits if the student’s household experiences food loss due to a household misfortune or disaster. To receive replacement based on a power outage, the outage must have occurred for at least 4 consecutive hours. The household must request a Summer EBT replacement form from the local DoHS office.

Please note, schools do not have replacement forms and cannot process replacement requests. DoHS determines who qualifies for replacement.

Households are entitled to a fair hearing if they do not agree with the decision of the Summer EBT state agency. A fair hearing form must be completed and submitted to the local DoHS county office within 90 days of the denial. A fair hearing form is mailed with every application denial notice.

Please note, schools do not have fair hearing forms and are not involved in the fair healing process. The Office of Inspector General, Board of Review is responsible for making the fair hearing decision. The form to request a Fair Hearing and/or Pre-Hearing Conference is enclosed, but you may also request it by calling your local DoHS office, or by calling the Office of Constituent Services at 1-877-716-1212, or in-person by visiting your local DoHS office.

The following organization provides free legal services to eligible persons:
Legal Aid of West Virginia
922 Quarrier St.
4th Floor
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: 304-343-4481 or 866-255-4370

The guardian may reapply at any point prior to August 21, 2024. Reapplying for Summer EBT does not guarantee the student will be approved for the benefit.

If your student dropped out or withdrew, and you believe your household meets the income criteria of the program, you will need to complete an SEBT application for review.

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