What does Adult Education offer?
Business owners, managers, and human resource directors will state, “Give me the best person and I’ll train them to be the best employee.” Do you have good people who need improved knowledge and better skills? WVAdultEd can provide that training for you. Newly hired recruits or veteran/senior incumbent workers can benefit from our training, ultimately providing you with the most valuable business asset – qualified, educated employees. Your commitment to your employees enables them to grow professionally and personally, providing a win-win for them individually and your bottom line.
Pre-employment recruitment programs can kick-start your company’s recruitment success. WVAdultEd believes pre-employment programs are a great tool for ensuring the obtainment of the most appropriate candidate. WVAdultEd can develop courses tailored to your individual business needs that will guarantee your newly recruited candidates are prepared and equipped to be the qualified, skilled experts that will drive your business success and guarantee improvements. These courses can be as general or complex as you request, without releasing any proprietary or company sensitive information. With courses built around your company needs, you will ensure securing candidates with the right skills and attitudes to suit your business.
Educators in WVAdultEd know that company orientation and training is a significant time investment, particularly when a new hire may ultimately be the wrong fit. Understanding that your greatest challenge is finding the best qualified applicant is work ready, WVAdultEd can help you solve this challenge by ensuring your candidates learn relevant job-specific information on our time, not yours. Training can be delivered as a pre-requisite to application with a guaranteed job interview upon successful completion.
Another exciting option is Integrated Education and Training Programs (IETP) which allow your new or incumbent employees to receive contextualized education and training while continuing employment to advance their knowledge and skills. An IETP allows your incumbent workers with opportunities to further their educational background, apply relevant work experience, learn specific or technical skills, while sharpening their soft skills. WVAdultEd incorporates these soft skills, better known as employability skills into all their training programs. WVAdultEd uses the Employability Skills Framework which identifies skills required for employees to work well with others, apply knowledge to solve problems, and adapt to any work environment.
See the WVAdultEd Distance Education and Certifications document for more information on the certifications and distance education opportunities offered.
SPOKES: A Training Collaboration with the WV Department of Health & Human Resources
In 2003 the West Virginia Department of Education, Office of Adult Education (WVAdultEd) and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DDHR) entered into a contract to create and deliver an academic and job preparation program for WV Works participants who received assistance via the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The 10-week SPOKES program model provides intense daily activities that address academic and soft skills necessary for adults to pursue gainful employment.
SPOKES components consist of assessment, academic workplace skills, employability skills (“soft skills”), vocational training, and job search assistance. Referred clients can begin the program on “any Monday” and jump into the curriculum. Clients are afforded the opportunity to earn many certifications, enhance skills to successfully enter the workforce, or to begin further schooling. As of 2020 over 30,000 referred DHHR clients have enrolled in the SPOKES program and benefitted from the curricula.
For more specific information on the SPOKES program, please contact Sandra Adkins, Coordinator at or 304-558-0280.
More Information
For more information on partnering with WVAdultEd please contact Tina White, State Career Pathways Coordinator or 304-922-4505.