The West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment is administered to students with significant cognitive disabilities who are taught using the West Virginia Alternate Academic Achievement Standards in Grades 3-8 and 11. Results for the alternate assessment are not based on raw or scaled scores, so no scaled score ranges are presented. The four achievement levels across all grade levels and content areas for the alternate assessment are Advanced, At Target, Approaching Target, and Emerging.
Achievement levels descriptors provide a general description of student performance at each level.
Grades 3-8 and 11
Achievement Level Descriptor - The student demonstrates an emerging understanding of and ability to apply content knowledge and skills represented by the Essential Elements.
Approaching Target
Achievement Level Descriptor - The student’s understanding of and ability to apply targeted content knowledge and skills represented by the Essential Elements is approaching the target.
At Target
Achievement Level Descriptor - The student’s understanding of and ability to apply content knowledge and skills represented by the Essential Elements is at target.
Achievement Level Descriptor - The student demonstrates an advanced understanding of and ability to apply targeted content knowledge and skills represented by the Essential Elements.
Note:Results for the alternate assessment are not based on raw or scaled scores, so no scaled score ranges are presented.