Civil Rights
Equal Access to Education
The Perkins Act emphasizes the importance of providing equal access to quality education and training opportunities for all students. This aligns with the principles of civil rights, which aim to ensure that individuals are not discriminated against based on their race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or other protected characteristics.
Individual Work Ready Competencies (IWRC) has been established to ensure access to career preparation is made available to all students. The IWRC Pathway provides all students with an IEP and pursuing a standard, or standards-based, high school diploma the opportunity to gain occupation-ready skills related to their desired career pathway during high school as determined appropriate by the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Team.
Nondiscrimination and Inclusivity
Civil rights laws prohibit discrimination in educational settings. CTE programs that receive funding under the Perkins Act are required to follow these nondiscrimination laws and create an inclusive learning environment for all students.
Promoting Diversity and Equity
By incorporating civil rights principles into CTE programs, schools can foster a diverse and equitable learning environment that prepares students for success in the workforce and society.
Career Opportunities for All
CTE programs supported by the Perkins Act should aim to prepare students for a wide range of careers. This includes providing opportunities for historically underrepresented groups to access and excel in non-traditional fields.
Economic Projects Impacting Communities (EPIC) Grant
Competitive grants issued by the WVDE to CTE programs through an application process. These grants combine CTE programs and local communities into a partnership that develops an innovative community impact project that positively impacts local economies.
Modernization Grant
Competitive grants issued by the WVDE in the spring of each year to CTE programs through an application process. These funds are used to upgrade current secondary CTE program environments, equipment, and/or instruction. Modernization grants may not exceed $15,000.
NOCTI provides Career Technical Education (CTE) state-approved programs of study with a credible means of verifying the knowledge and skills expected by industry. NOCTI provides schools, counties, and state entities with the ability to accurately assess student and program needs, gaps, growth, and/or strengths, thus creating a high-quality CTE ecosystem across the state.
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) secures the principal source of federal funding to support career and technical education programs. The primary use of Perkins funds is to develop, coordinate, implement or improve career education and improve student academic and technical performance.
Technical Assistance
Improving CTE is a process requiring commitment and honest self-reflection. The CTE technical assistance process (TAP) articulates a systematic and coherent approach to improving CTE programs, schools, and districts by changing fundamental structures and processes that lead to sustainable improvements and high-quality CTE.
CTE Administrator Leadership
The CTE Mentorship program connects veteran CTE administrators with new CTE administrators to offer guidance and support with CTE finances, concepts, initiatives, and expectations. The veteran CTE administrators share their expertise and knowledge in a mutually respectful and supportive way to assist new CTE administrators with growing their skills, making good decisions, and gaining new perspectives. The CTE Mentorship program is a learning experience for all involved and creates more opportunities for CTE success.
Technology Centers That Work (TCTW)
Southern Regional Educational Board’s (SREB) school improvement design for technology centers — Technology Centers That Work — helps leaders and teachers adopt continuous improvement practices that foster rigorous academic and career pathway curricula, project-based instruction, work-based learning, and personalized supports.