The Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher or ECCAT Authorization is required for all Early Childhood Assistant Teachers working in Pre-k or kindergarten classroom.
NOTICE: To complete ECCAT course assignments, there is a requirement that all ECCAT course participants must be in a pre-k or kindergarten classroom for a minimum of 4 hours per week for each of the 15 weeks the ECCAT course is in session.
Important Information Updates
Individuals who have been assigned a email address will login to WVLearns with their complete email address as their user name. Those individuals who have been assigned a email address will use their Office 365 password as their WVLearns password. Full time employees from Kanawha County, Jackson County and other counties using county e-mail addresses have been provided email accounts. If you are a full-time public school employee and you are unaware of your email address and/or your Office 365 password, then you must contact your county technology coordinator for this information, immediately.
If you are not a full-time public school employee in West Virginia, then a WVLearns account must be created. You will need to complete the following registration form to be approved for a new account. You must complete the registration form for a new account to be initiated. All registration information for new accounts will be verified. New accounts will be processed then you will receive information regarding your new account via email. You may register for a WVLearns course after you have completed instructions provided in the new account email.
For additional information pertaining to the Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher authorization please contact Rhonda Fisher, WVDE Office of Early Learning at or Christina Haymaker, WVDE Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure at
Additional Pathways to attain required course work for the Early childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher