Board of Education Approves Three Policies, Places Five on Public Comment Period
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) met today for its monthly routine business meeting. During the meeting, five policies were discussed and placed on a 30-day public comment period. A brief description of each policy can be found below.
Policy 2322, West Virginia System of Support and Accountability: The policy is recommended for repeal and replacement to better align with current research related to effective schools. It will also provide a clarified definition of the support and accountability system for schools and counties. The policy will also define school and county recognition programs for academic success and school quality.
Policy 4373, Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools: Policy 4373 is placed on public comment to gather feedback for the following proposed changes: behavior and consequences charts are moved to an Appendix to reinforce flexibility to schools when applying the four different levels of consequences and interventions depending on the severity of inappropriate student behaviors. The updated policy includes new requirements such as the reduction in time required by mandated reporters to report suspected abuse, and sexual abuse prevention education requirements for public school employees and students as required by West Virginia House Bill 4402. In addition, the policy will provide clarification for guns in vehicles on school property as outlined in W. Va. Code §61-7-11a.
Policy 5100, Approval of Educational Personnel Preparation Programs: Policy 5100 outlines the preparation of educators eligible for licensure to work in West Virginia public schools. The policy guides the institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the creation and revision of preparation programs and national accreditation. The revisions reflect the most updated assessments available and incorporate the following: adding and clarifying language regarding accreditation definitions, partnerships, program content requirements, and pilot program proposals.
Policy 5202, Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of Professional/ Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classification: This policy outlines the minimum requirements for the various licenses approved by the WVBE, and issued by the State Superintendent of Schools to educators, paraprofessionals and other school personnel who wish to work in West Virginia’s public schools. The policy also outlines the requirements for educators who wish to qualify for an advanced salary classification. In the revised version going out for public comment, important terminology is defined, governing principles are identified, and the criteria for issuance of each license and salary classification are established.
Policy 6200, Handbook on Planning School Facilities: Policy 6200 has been revised to expand and clarify the flexibility provided to counties in designing school facilities. The primary changes emphasize that the Handbook on Planning School Facilities is not intended to be so prescriptive that it preempts the judgement of curriculum specialists and design professionals. Proposed changes also clarify that economies of scale and program utilization shall not be the single determining factors in evaluating existing buildings or funding new building projects.
The Board voted to approve Policy 2420, Adult Education Programs, which incorporates Policy 2420 (Adult Vocational Technical Programs and Funding Source) into Policy 2520.13 better aligns the Advance Career Education programs of study, formally known as Adult CTE programs, to the national accreditation requirements. The policy will be effective 30 days from the date of filing.
The Board also voted to approve two additional policies. Policy 2520.13, West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Programs of Study/Standards for Career Technical Education, which was amended to include the repeal of Policy 2530.02 and Policy 4310; and Policy 2520.14, West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Technology and Computer Science, amended to separate and clarify standards for technology and computer science. Both policies will go into effect July 1, 2019.
To review and comment on WVBE policies, visit: