Press Release
Board of Education Places Five Policies on Public Comment
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) met today for their regularly scheduled April board meeting. During the meeting, policies were discussed with five placed on a 30-day public comment period and one policy repealed without replacement. A brief description of each policy can be found below.
- 2322 – West Virginia System of Support and Accountability: This policy will repeal and embed Policy 2650.55 – Schools of Excellence Recognition, while expanding to become the policy for accountability and support as guided by West Virginia’s approved Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan.
- 2340 – Measures of Academic Progress: This policy is being repealed and replaced to reflect new state legislation passed in 2017. The proposed policy includes the administration of new statewide general summative assessments in grades 3-8 and in high school, modifies language to reflect changes in the West Virginia Accountability System resulting from approval of West Virginia’s ESSA Plan and removes the requirement that students enrolled in senior transition courses must retake the college- and career-readiness assessment.
- 2520.5 – West Virginia College- and Career- Readiness Standards for Wellness Education: College- and Career- Readiness Standards for Health and Wellness are reviewed on a cyclical basis to ensure the standards align with instructional materials. Additionally, the standards were reviewed to maintain alignment with changes to Policy 2510 adopted by the Board in January 2018. As presented to the WVBE, this policy will repeal and embed Policy 2520.5 Next Generation Health Education 5-12 Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, Policy 2520.55 21st Century Wellness Pre-K -4 Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, Policy 2520.6 21st Century Physical Education 5-12 Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, making the policy more comprehensive.
- 2520.9 – West Virginia College- and Career- Readiness Standards for the Arts: Just as the standards for Health and Wellness, College- and Career- Readiness Standards for the Arts are reviewed on a cyclical basis to ensure the standards align with instructional materials. Additionally, the standards were reviewed to maintain alignment with changes to Policy 2510 adopted by the Board in January 2018. The policy will repeal and embed Policy 2520.9 21st Century Dance Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, Policy 2520.10 21st Century Music Education Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, Policy 2520.11 21st Century Theatre Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools, Policy 2520.12 21st Century Visual Arts Content Standards and Objectives for WV Schools to create a more comprehensive policy.
- 2444.4 – Issuance of the State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma: Changes made to this policy provide a more comprehensive description, and guidance for implementation of the Options Pathway, a blend of Career Technical Education (CTE) courses and the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC™) Tests. Additionally, some items in the policy were reorganized to better reflect the structure of the programs.
- 4320 – Policies of Operation Manual, Child Nutrition Programs: The content of the policy has not been updated since 2002, and the information contained in the policy is deemed more appropriate as a guidance manual. This policy was repealed without replacement effective July 1, 2018. The repeal of the outdated policy does not erase or eliminate any requirements of federal child nutrition programs, nor does it eliminate anything in WVBE Policy 4321.1, which contains all federal and state guidelines, and addresses standards for school nutrition. The implementation of a manual will put the WVDE in line with most other state education agencies.
To review policies and comment online, visit