Press Release

GLR Campaign recognized Hancock County

GLR Hancock

The GLR Campaign recognized Hancock County, West Virginia, as a 2016 Pacesetter for its outstanding efforts to address the health determinants of early school success, focus on driving with data and creative partner engagement.

The local campaign’s health focus is truly exemplary: a 100% immunization rate and 100% well-child visits for every child under age 6. Every child entering pre-K and kindergarten has a wellness check by a physician and a dental visit prior to kindergarten. The school-based health center offers both preventive and restorative care for dental needs, vision care including free eyeglasses, and well care and acute emergency care for students, staff and families whose students are under their care. The center provides and collaborates with community partners to address behavioral and mental health needs, and sends food backpacks home on weekends.

Hancock County’s commitment to driving with data goes beyond using the data to inform planning and partner engagement to engaging more students and families in owning and tracking their own outcomes. Students track their own data, and use the information to lead student/parent/teacher conferences to demonstrate their progress toward grade-level standards.

For more information, contact Community Lead: Erica Sauer

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