Press Release

State Superintendent Issues Statement on Remainder of School Year

CHARLESTON, W.Va. –West Virginia Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Steven Paine issued a statement today regarding the remainder of the school year:

“It truly is a great day for education in West Virginia. I am pleased that our students, teachers and service personnel will return to school on Wednesday, March 7 following action taken by Governor Justice and the West Virginia legislature. I know our teachers and service personnel look forward to returning to complete another successful school year.

At the direction of Governor Justice, I will immediately begin working with our State Board of Education to explore all possible avenues for local districts to make up the instructional time that has been lost throughout the last nine days. My staff and I will work with each of our counties to identify every opportunity to maximize meaningful instruction while also minimizing disruption to students and families. We are committed to providing timely technical assistance to each individual county to innovatively restructure their calendars and to find additional flexibility within their local attendance policies to better accommodate the needs of families.

I anticipate each county will communicate promptly with parents and students concerning any changes to the current school calendar.”

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