Statement on Policy 2510 from the West Virginia Superintendent of Schools
Policy 2510 is currently out for public comment. The comment period is vital to the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) in making informed policy decisions. While the comment period is open until January 24, 2020, this review has brought a vigorous response from the public and, most importantly, our educators. The majority of these comments are centered around proposed changes to the social studies credits. This level of response is a reflection of the importance of this issue. Due to this overwhelming response, State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steven Paine plans to recommend to the West Virginia Board of Education to keep the number of social studies credits for graduation at four.
The WVBE and Dr. Paine are committed to being responsive to the concerns of the public and respect the expertise of our classroom teachers. As with all policies, the comment period process is critical to ensure all stakeholders have a voice in WVBE policy decisions that affect the students, families and educators of our state.