Press Release

West Virginia Board of Education Adopts Four Policies

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) adopted four policies during its monthly meeting this week. The meeting was held off-site in the media center of Petersburg High School in Grant County, W.Va. All policies were previously available online for a 30-day comment period, and comments were considered in the adopted policies. A brief description of each policy can be found below.

  • Policy 2520.8, West Virginia Driver Education Standards: The adopted policy further defines the standards used to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to safely operate a motor vehicle. The policy was modified to specifically address distracted driving, effective communication and interaction with law enforcement officers during traffic stops, sharing the road with large trucks and buses, and the dangerous impact of impaired driving. Overall, the adopted policy is aimed to provide knowledge to learning drivers, enabling them to make wise decisions and become responsible users of the highway transportation system. The approved policy is effective July 1, 2019.  
  • Policy 3232, Establishment Procedures and Operating Policies for Multi‑County Career and Technical Education (CTE) Centers: Policy 3232 describes organizational and operational requirements for career and technical education centers serving more than one county. The updated and approved version more clearly defines the director and counselor roles, aiming to enhance the delivery of CTE programs to students across the Mountain State. Additionally, the updates serve to ensure West Virginia’s CTE programs are aligned to industry’s current and future workforce needs. The approved policy is effective 30 days from filing.
  • Policy 4321.1, Standards for School Nutrition: The adopted policy reflects revisions made to comply with HB 4478, also known as the “Shared Table” initiative. The revised policy allows schools to provide excess food to students who need it the most. A shared table can be used for students who wish to take extra food throughout the school day or provide a place for them to discretely take it home. Schools can better utilize unused food before it is thrown away. The approved policy is effective 30 days from filing.
  • Policy 5500, Professional Learning for West Virginia Educators: The adopted policy replaces the old, repealed version to address the changes HB 4006 made to W.Va. Code §18-21-1. The amended version informs counties to utilize targeted data sources to ensure locally determined professional learning needs for educators and allows counties to use Step 7d funding to assist with teacher and leader induction and professional growth and development. Collectively, these efforts prepare WV educators to meet the needs of all learners in their county, thus increasing student achievement statewide. The approved policy is effective 30 days from filing.

 To review current WVBE policies visit:  

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