Press Release

West Virginia Increases National Ranking For Educators with Top Teacher Certification

Educators sitting around a table at a National Board Certification training hosted by the WV Department of Education

Charleston, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education’s (WVDE) National Board Certification (NBC) Awareness and Support program brought teachers to the Bridgeport Conference Center in Bridgeport, June 18 – 20, 2019, for an in-depth look at the process for those considering pursuing their certification. Sustained support of the NBC program in the state has resulted in gains above the national average.

National Board Certification is the most respected certification available in K-12 education. West Virginia educators pursue NBC on a voluntary basis, and renewal is voluntary as well. The Certification was created by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and represents a deep understanding of content, student learning and continuous reflection and renewal. According to NBPTS data, teachers with this credential have a greater impact on student learning especially among low-income and minority students.

West Virginia’s national ranking for the percentage of National Board Certified teachers (NBCTs) increased from 17th to 15th since last school year, and it remains 24th in the country for the actual number of NBCTs (996). WVDE supports 276 educators who are actively pursuing NBC, and there are an additional 150 educators who will participate in summer sessions as they consider pursuing the certification.

“The success of our NBC professional learning rests on the sustained commitment we have for this program,” said West Virginia Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steven Paine. “Those who voluntarily undertake the certification process exemplify the type of life-long learning and dedication that makes an NBC teacher highly effective. It is also the type of teacher that has a tremendous impact on student learning. We want to continue to develop the resources and support available to our National Board Certified teachers to encourage even more educators to pursue their certification.”

WVDE will also host NBC sessions in South Charleston, West Virginia, at the Holiday Inn, West, July 9 – 11, 2019.

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