Press Release

West Virginia Officials Highlight STEM Education in Honor of Computer Science Education Week

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – During today’s monthly West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) meeting, officials from Governor Justice’s Office, the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) and Marshall University celebrated Computer Science Education Week, a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) initiative that teaches the importance of computer, math and science skills.

Governor Justice’s Chief of Staff, Mike Hall presented a proclamation declaring this week, December 4-10, 2017, as Computer Science Education Week throughout the Mountain State. The international program is designed to increase awareness among West Virginia students about job opportunities available in the computer science sector and advance STEM initiatives and programs in our schools.

Throughout the week, a number of students will participate in an Hour of Code, a global movement that includes an introduction to basic computer science information, skills and practical activities – designed for students to explore computer and math science from a fun and engaging perspective.

“We know the jobs of the future in West Virginia are going to require STEM skill sets,” said West Virginia Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Steven Paine. “West Virginia leaders are working to strengthen the state’s economy by attracting new industry to the state, especially within the STEM field, and we must do our part to ensure our students are prepared to meet those future workforce needs.”

Additionally, Paine joined Marshall University President, Jerome Gilbert to sign a partnership agreement symbolizing the collaborative work between the WVDE and Marshall University to promote STEM education in West Virginia.

The agreement outlined the mutual goals of improving student engagement, preparation and achievement in science, technology, engineering and math education (STEM); building educator capacity in STEM through credentialing and professional learning; and increasing workforce readiness through coding, computer science and cybersecurity to support STEM learning. A complete version of the partnership agreement can be found by visiting:

A complete version of Governor Justice’s proclamation can be found by visiting:

For more information, contact Kristin Anderson at the West Virginia Department of Education Communications Office at (304) 558-2699 or

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