WV Department of Education Releases 2023 Balanced Scorecard Results
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) released West Virginia’s Balanced Scorecard (Balanced Scorecard) results for the 2022-23 school year during the September meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE). The data represents the accountability ratings for public schools in the Mountain State as part of West Virginia’s School Accountability System (WVSAS).
Each public school in the state receives a scorecard that provides parents, students, educators and communities an annual update on multiple measures that show how well students are learning, growing and achieving. The Balanced Scorecard uses a series of indicators to measure school performance and progress.
Comparing the 2021-22 school year data to that of the 2022-23 school year, 49 counties in the state improved in mathematics, and 44 counties made gains in English language arts proficiency. For more information and county and school-level data, visit the Balanced Scorecard Dashboard.
Middle School Empowerment Collaborative Program
The WVBE was also updated on the WVDE’s middle school education program that aligns academics and career exploration through project-based learning. Dr. Kathy D’Antoni, a program partner, shared the progress of the state’s Middle School Empowerment Collaborative. This school-wide model allows students to use entrepreneurial and problem-solving skills while developing workplace best practices.
West Virginia is leading this work and sharing guidance with states such as Kentucky and Pennsylvania that are interested in implementing the program. Fayette and Calhoun counties are piloting the Collaborative, and more information is available on the WVDE website.
West Side Development Project
State Superintendent Michele L. Blatt established a Special Community Development School Pilot Project in schools on the West Side of Charleston. This program brings together public school, higher education, and community representatives and others to support students and improve academic achievement.
Earlier this year, the WVDE committed $750,000 to expand Communities In Schools support in this area. Together, these efforts will assist Charleston’s West Side to address student social-emotional, developmental and academic support and well-being, and to build on existing progress in the area.
Student Behavior Response Work
The WVDE provided an update on student behavior and discipline efforts. The WVDE Office of Leadership Development continues to support counties to address student behavior issues reflected on the state Discipline Data Dashboard. This fall, approximately 300 principals statewide are expected to attend regional sessions that address student behavior, data protocol practices and classroom management strategies.
WVBE Policies on Public Comment
The WVBE placed two policies on public comment.
Policy 2520.13 was recommended for repeal and replacement to ensure career technical education (CTE) programs are aligned with the workforce needs of business and industry. This policy is revised every two years to ensure CTE programs offer technical training and industry certifications in key industries across the state.
Policy 5100 is being amended to outline the framework for developing, implementing and approving educator preparation programs (EPPs). Major program components are defined, assessment instruments and/or procedures are identified, and the minimum proficiency levels are prescribed for the WVBE-adopted instruments. Program approval criteria for program implantation are also identified. The revisions enable institutions of higher education (IHEs) to meet the needs of students as a part of the cycle of continuous improvement.
These policies have been placed on public comment for 30 days and may be reviewed on the WVDE website.
The next regularly scheduled WVBE meeting is 9 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023, in Building 6, Suite 600, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305.
For media inquiries, contact Christy Day, West Virginia Department of Education Office of Communications, at 304-558-2699 or Christy.Day@k12.wv.us.