WV Student Finalists Selected for 2022 U.S. Senate Youth Program
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) announced today West Virginia’s finalists for the 2021-2022 U.S. Senate Youth Program (USSYP). Six finalists were chosen from an extensive application pool of juniors and seniors competing to be one of two USSYP delegates to represent the state.
Now in its 60th year, the program is merit-based and highly competitive. Each delegate will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship along with a week-long, intensive education and leadership virtual program known as Washington Week, which will be held March 5-10, 2022.
The 2022 finalists are:
- Logan Paige Jordan, junior at Cabell Midland High School, Cabell County. Jordan serves as treasurer of the Beta Club.
- Anna Elizabeth Walter, senior at Washington High School, Jefferson County. Walter serves as historian for the National Honors Society.
- William Aidan McCloud, senior at Lincoln County High School, Lincoln County. McCloud serves as a member of the Lincoln County High School Student Council.
- Erik Diesel Cochrane, senior at Man High School, Logan County. Cochrane serves as senior class president at Man High School.
- Zane Alan Tanner, senior at Roane County High School, Roane County. Tanner serves as a member of the Roane County High School Student Council.
- Brandon Matthew Frazier, senior at Spring Valley High School, Wayne County. Frazier serves as president of the Spanish Honor Society.
A panel of law and civics professionals from around the state will interview the finalists on November 22, 2021, for chance to be awarded this prestigious national scholarship. The two delegates chosen to represent West Virginia will be announced by The Hearst Foundation in late December.
The USSYP was created by Senate Resolution 324 in 1962 and has been sponsored by the Senate and fully funded by The Hearst Foundations since inception. The purpose for the program as stated in Senate testimony is “to increase young Americans’ understanding of the interrelationships of the three branches of government, learn the caliber and responsibilities of federally elected and appointed officials, and emphasize the vital importance of democratic decision making not only for America but for people around the world.” To learn more, visit www.ussenateyouth.org.
For questions about West Virginia’s state selection process, contact Dustin Lambert at dllambert@k12.wv.us or by calling 304-558-5325.
For more information, contact Christy Day, WVDE Office of Communications at Christy.day@k12.wv.us or by calling 304-558-2699.