Temporary Teaching Certificate for Program Completers
Summary of Requirements
The Temporary Teaching Certificate for Program Completers may be granted only one time to an individual who has completed an approved preparation program, has attempted the content Praxis two or more times without meeting the required cut score.
General Requirements: US Citizen or hold eligible documentation (see WVBE Policy 5202); good character, age 18
Education Level: Minimum of a bachelor’s degree (Regionally accredited IHE);
Grade Point Average: Minimum Overall Cumulative GPA of 2.5
Coursework/Training: Completed an approved preparation program, has attempted the content Praxis two or more times without meeting the required cut score.
Testing: No
Employment Required: Yes.
Official Recommendation: County Superintendent.
Official Transcripts (when applicable): To send official transcripts to our office electronically, please have those sent to cert.transcripts.wvde@k12.wv.us. If you select to send them electronically, they must be sent directly from the institution to the Office of Certification.
Validity Period: 1 Year (Renewable up to 2 times for a total of 3 years)
Grade Point Average: Minimum 3.0 GPA for all required coursework
Evaluations: Obtain successful evaluations for each year taught under the Temporary Certificate within the West Virginia Educator Evaluation System with an earned performance rating of Emerging or above
Credential: Temporary Teaching Certificate for Program Completers