ASHA, NBCC, WVBEC, NASP, or NBCSN Fee Reimbursement
Summary of Requirements
This fee reimbursement is allowable only for professional school speech-language pathologists, counselors, psychologists, and nurses who are employed in WV public schools and hold or are working toward an appropriate national board certification, as identified in WV State Code. (Form 33 applications are accepted January 1 to September 15 each year and will be batch processed after that date.)
General Requirements: US Citizen or hold eligible documentation (see WVBE Policy 5202); Must hold a professional student support certificate in the appropriate endorsement area. Allowable only for initial board certification program enrollment, completion and extra expenses fees; OR only once for up to $600.00 for board certification renewal fees in lieu of initial program fees
Education Level: As required by the WV professional certification held in WV State Code and WVBE Policy 5202
Credential: Must hold a professional student support certificate in an appropriate endorsement area
Employment Required: Must be employed in the appropriate position in WV public schools.