Form V7R
Career and Technical Education Certificate Renewal
Summary of Requirements
A renewal of the certificate issued to an individual to work as a career and technical education teacher in a public school in WV.
Review WVBE Policy 5202 and Certifications for complete requirements.
Link to paper app instructions.
Full Requirements
- Validity Period: 5 Years
- Grade Point Average: A 3.0 GPA is required for all semester hour coursework submitted for renewal
- Employment Required: No.
- Renewal Options: Qualifying coursework (Six semester hours/WVDE E-Learning) OR Hold an earned master’s degree with a Master’s +30 advanced salary classification OR Age 60 or older is required for renewal. All renewal options require a valid industry credential, if it is applicable to the endorsement, as identified in the CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual.
- Official Recommendation: Recommendation of the Superintendent, ESC, Multi- County Vocational Center Director or ODTP Director -If the candidate is currently employed by a county board of education, the candidate must receive the recommendation of the employing county’s superintendent. If the educator is not employed by a county board of education, then a recommendation must be secured from the most recent education supervisor provided that such employment severance does not exceed one year. If employment severance in an educational setting is greater than one year, a recommendation from the current employer or community leader must be secured (Form 4B).
- Validity Period: Permanent
- Grade Point Average: A 3.0 GPA is required for all semester hour coursework submitted for renewal
- Employment Required: No.
- Renewal Options: Hold a Career and Technical Education Certificate valid for five years AND hold an earned master’s degree related to the public school program AND Complete five years of professional educational experience including two within the specialization(s) for which the permanent certificate is requested OR Hold a Career and Technical Education Certificate valid for five years which has already been renewed once and be eligible for a second renewal (within 6 months of expiration) by meeting options based upon renewal. If applying for a permanent certificate based upon second renewal, the applicant must meet one of the following three renewal options: 1. Complete qualifying coursework (six semester hours/E-Learning) with a 3.0 GPA OR 2. Hold an earned master’s degree and Master’s +30 advanced salary classification OR 3. Age 60 or older. All renewal options require a valid industry credential, if it is applicable to the endorsement, as identified in the CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual.
- Official Recommendation: Recommendation of the Superintendent, ESC, Multi- County Vocational Center Director or ODTP Director -If the candidate is currently employed by a county board of education, the candidate must receive the recommendation of the employing county’s superintendent. If the educator is not employed by a county board of education, then a recommendation must be secured from the most recent education supervisor provided that such employment severance does not exceed one year. If employment severance in an educational setting is greater than one year, a recommendation from the current employer or community leader must be secured (Form 4B).
Application Fee
This application costs $35.