Certified Nurse RNs
School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors, February 2017.
School nurses devote time providing health education to students that promote physical, emotional, social and mental health needs and developing prevention programs that today have an influence on school-aged children. Additional roles performed by school nurses in the school setting are; training school personnel to provide basic and specialized health care procedures, developing Individualized Health Care Plans for students, administering daily medications, developing 504 plans for students with a medical diagnosis, attending IEP and 504 meetings, providing and managing care to students that present with acute and chronic health issues, implementing wellness programs for school staff and support students in the academic process. The current law, WV Code §18-5-22, requires each county board to employ one school nurse/ RN per every 1,500 children in grades kindergarten through seven, provided that each county shall employee full time at least one school nurse. There are approximately 350 Certified School Nurse RN’s serving students in WV public schools. Licensed Practical Nurses are serving in WV public schools as school services personnel under the supervision of the certified school nurse RN to assist with the direct health services of students.
WV school nurses play an essential role to keep students healthy, safe, and ready to learn. It is with gratitude to say Thank You to all school nurses for ensuring students receive quality health and education in WV public schools.
School Nurse Employment Requirements:
School nurses are required to have or obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (BSN) and a Certification in School Nursing (CSN). The following Schools of Nursing offer Certification in School Nursing:
- Bluefield State College – PreK-Adult
- Fairmont State University – PreK-Adult
If you are interested in a Certification in School Nursing, please enroll in a program today! For more information related to WVDE School Nurse Requirements for Employment, please review Policy 5202- Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of Professional / Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classifications.
Certification Presentation for School Nurses:
Certificate, Permit, Authorization and Substitutes (PPT)
Professional Resources
- School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text, 3rd Edition
- School Nursing; Scope and Standards
- Managing Diabetes at School: Tools for the School Nurse
- Assessment of the School Aged Child
- School Nurse Administrators
- Depression in Children and Adolescents: Guideline for School Practice
- Principles for Practice: Nursing Delegation to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel in the School Setting, 2nd Edition
- Principles for Practice: Vision Screening and Follow-up
- Principles for Practice: The Role of Individualized Healthcare Plans (IHPs) in Care Coordination for Students with Chronic Health Conditions
- Legal Resource for School Health Services
- School Nurse Resource Manual Tenth Edition
- Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools