In facilities, please adjust the schedule when training staff as they work shift work. Usually, team members will not be trained at one time, and midnight and weekend staff often get left out if accommodations are not made.
If possible, use members of the leadership team to train staff.
If possible, run your training in a PBIS format using guidelines, expectations, and acknowledging participants for positive participation in the trainings.
Be prepared for naysayers. It is better they ask you and you know who they are and how to convince them.
Create visibility for your supervisors visible and be sure to convey this is not a money-making program. Explain that they have representation and each PBIS program is unique to their facility. Be sure to share the research and success stories.
Be prepared to train often.
Permanent teaching tools such as PowerPoints and videos are the easiest way to combat high turnover.
Be prepared to do hands-on training.
Have trainings scheduled well in advance
Have documentation of trainings.
Remember, other than the educational staff, many are not trained to do formal teaching and training.
Develop lesson plans for formal training.
Convince staff that the behavioral concepts (i.e. expectations and guidelines) are just as important as educational concepts, and make sure they realize these concepts may be challenging to our residents.
Permanent teaching tools are the best way to combat turnover.
Have documentation of trainings.
Do not assume everyone will teach or learn in the same way, even if you post and verbally go over your lessons plans. Try to compare all the strategies that we use to teach any concept.