Advance Threat Protection for Cyber Threats and Attacks
In an effort to keep educational data safe and minimize cyber threats/attacks through the K-12 network, the following guidelines must be followed statewide.
All computers and servers must have all operating system updates and patches installed.
All computers running Windows 7 or an older operating system must be updated to a currently supported operating system.
All servers running an operating system that is no longer supported by the manufacturer must be updated to a currently supported operating system.
Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) will be provided by us to all counties. Our goal is to have ATP installed in every county within the next ninety days.
All cyber threats/attacks must be reported to us. Please leave a message providing the county’s name, the county contact, a phone number, and a brief description of the cyber issue. This call will be given a case and priority number. Upon receipt of the voicemail message, we will contact the county representative.
K-12 Cyber Incident Map
The K-12 Cyber Incident Map is a visualization of cybersecurity-related incidents reported about U.S. K-12 public schools and districts from 2016 to the present.
Contact us if you have any questions about cyber threats/attacks or advanced threat protection.