Recycled technology goes beyond digital literacy. It establishes workplace skills such as critical thinking, independent research, and cross-technology expertise. The Early Childhood Second Launch WV initiative provides refurbished computers and other technology equipment to early childhood programs across the state, including Head Start and child care partners to support classrooms, teachers, and parent engagement.
Technology not used by state agencies are donated to us to wipe, clean and upgrade to meet the requirements of programs used in schools. Computers, monitors, keyboards and mice are packaged together (PC’s are wired) for ease of use and assembly and provided to schools at no cost. In some instances, printers, laptops, and other technology have become available through donations from government and private agencies invested in education.
Since 2018, we have partnered with many career technical education centers to refurbish equipment for county use. Through the secondlaunchWV program, libraries statewide have access to updated equipment. For many students, the local library is as a hub for technology, and this program ensures they have free access to quality technology when needed.
All items provided through the Early Childhood SecondLaunchWV are free and become yours when you receive them. Those who have received prior donations can request more technology as it becomes available.
Technology Request Form
If you are an early childhood program interested in receiving computers or other technology equipment as it is available, please complete the form below. You must have a K12 email address to complete the form below.