Career Tech WV
West Virginia’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs empower students to explore potential careers in various hands-on, technical training programs. CTE programs not only teach students real-world knowledge and skills, but also provide opportunities for industry-recognized credentials and meaningful work-based learning experiences.
CareerTechWV Resources
CareerTechWV Videos
Find out more about the CareerTechWV program by visiting the CareerTechWV YouTube channel.
Learn how civil rights, grants, NOCTI, Perkins, and technical assistance enhance CTE programs and ensure equal opportunities for all students.
Student Enrichment
Learn about programs that provide engaging and empowering learning opportunities for students and teachers.
CTE Pathway From Middle School To Career
Students can begin exploring CTE programs as early as middle school. This early exploration better prepares students to make future career choices.
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Middle school CTE allows students to navigate a variety of career-focused programs through engaging, hands-on activities.
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Simulated Workplace has been designed to transform the traditional classroom into an authentic workplace structure allowing students the opportunity to take ownership of their education.
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Classroom 2 Career builds work-based learning opportunities for students through community service projects, clinicals, student teaching, internships, apprenticeships and more.
HeaderAdvanced Career Education
Advanced Career Education offers credentials, certifications, and licenses in growing industries across the state to make you more valuable in today’s job market.
CTE Course Standards
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Explore additional information about programs and curriculum to aid students through their education journey.