WV Universal Pre-K Collaborative Team Resources
Steering Team
The WV Pre-K Steering team serves as the state interagency and interdepartmental advisory team for Universal Pre-K. The Universal Pre-K Steering Team is comprised of a state Pre-K Coordinator, special education representative, Department of Health and Human Resources Specialist Sr., and Head Start State Collaboration Director. This collaborative team works to support the implementation of WV Universal Pre-K, county collaborative early childhood teams, and offers technical assistance to county collaborative teams implementing WVBE Policy 2525: West Virginia’s Universal Access to an Early Education System. The goal of the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team is to provide consistent and compatible direction, guidance, and technical assistance to county Pre-K teams implementing WVBE Policy 2525 in order to support and promote collaborative efforts and maximization of resources as outlined in WVBE Policy 2525.
Contact the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team at WVPreKsteeringteam.wvde@k12.wv.us.
WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team Members
Janet Bock-Hager
WVDE Early & Elementary Learning Services
Brittany Doss
WV Head Start State Collaboration Director
WV Department of Health and Human Resources
Patricia Haynes
Early Care and Education Specialist
WV Department of Health and Human Resources
Lisa Fisher
WVDE Early & Elementary Learning Services
Steering Team Technical Assistance
The WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team provides individualized county technical assistance upon request. Technical assistance may be necessary to address county core team concerns and can be requested by any member of a county collaborative early childhood core team. The following steps must be taken to complete a technical assistance visit.
- A technical assistance meeting request must be e-mailed to the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team via the state Pre-K Coordinator.
- The state Pre-K Coordinator will determine potential dates for the technical assistance meeting with the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team.
- The state Pre-K Coordinator will contact the county Pre-K Coordinator to schedule the technical assistance meeting details, including date, time, and agenda items.
- The county Pre-K Coordinator will provide the state Pre-K Coordinator and county collaborative core team members with additional agenda items.
- The technical assistance meeting will be conducted with members of the county collaborative core team and the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team.
Program Reviews
The WV Universal Pre-K Program Review is conducted with each county a minimum of once every three years. Pre-K Program Reviews include a desktop review, classroom visits, a parent survey, and a core team interview. A WV Universal Pre-K Program Review Process document, three-year WV Universal Pre-K Program Review Memo and Schedule, and annual WV Universal Pre-K Program Review Memo and Schedule are available to assist county collaborative early childhood teams with the review process. Additionally, the WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team conducts an annual Pre-K Program Review webinar to provide an overview the review process with counties scheduled for reviews during the current school year. County collaborative early childhood teams are encouraged to utilize results from the WV Universal Pre-K Program Review in the continuous quality improvement process.
Statewide Guidance Tools and Data Reports
The WV Universal Pre-K Steering Team collaborates with stakeholders and partners to maintain guidance tools and aggregated data reports to support program implementation. Tools and data reports include: