Exemplary education requires the reciprocal participation of the community and the student. Effective social studies education requires the engagement of the learner in the investigation of the social science issues.
West Virginia social studies education affords all students the opportunity to ask essential questions, recognize patterns of behavior, think critically, create solutions, predict outcomes and draw conclusions to help them learn to solve problems. With these opportunities in place, students of social studies will be prepared as participatory citizens of the 21st Century global society. The West Virginia State Social Studies Fair provides the opportunity for students to excel in these realms. Visit the West Virginia State Social Studies Fair Website for detailed information.
It is the intent of the Social Studies fair to:
Recognize and reward outstanding achievements of Social Studies students; Implement the Next Generation West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives for Social Studies (Policy 2520.4);
Develop among participants an ability to apply the scientific method as it applies to social studies investigations;
Challenge students to be inventive and think creatively; Provide relevance;
Encourage students to demonstrate what they know and to observe what others throughout the state know regarding social studies content;
Provide the opportunity for students to interpret the cultural, social, political, geographic and economic forces of historical and current issues and events and to understand more fully the nature of social studies;
Encourage students to draw more heavily on all areas of social studies as a means of broadening and deepening their understanding of social science concepts and principles;
Encourage students to practice information and communication skills, thinking and problem-solving skills, interpersonal and self-directional skills;
Provide a forum for student public speaking;
Generate public interest in and appreciation for the broad interdisciplinary areas of social studies;
Develop a greater public appreciation and understanding of the abilities of youth;
Encourage global awareness, economic and civic literacies, health and wellness;
Provide an opportunity for students to implement the 21st Century learning skills (Policy 2520.14);
Encourage the utilization of technology tools where appropriate (Policy 2520.14).
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For more information, please contact our Coordinator of PK-12 Support.