United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP)
Program Overview
The United States Senate unanimously passed a resolution in 1962 creating the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), a national nonpartisan initiative to provide an annual opportunity for talented high school students with demonstrated leadership abilities to deepen their understanding of America’s political processes and strengthen their resolve to pursue careers in public service.
The USSYP brings the highest-level officials from each branch of government to meet with this outstanding group of young leaders — two high school juniors or seniors from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) — for an intensive week-long education and leadership program to be held either in Washington, D.C., or online. The program is merit-based and highly competitive. Each student will also receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship with encouragement to pursue coursework in history and political science. Now in its 62nd year, the program has been fully funded since inception by The Hearst Foundations as an enduring commitment to preparing young people for civic leadership in our participatory democracy.
Numbering more than 6,100, USSYP alumni serve the country in many ways. They have become leaders in government, law, business, education, journalism, the military, medicine, healthcare, higher education and many other fields. Alumni serve as elected and appointed officials at all levels of government, including a current United States senator, a current cabinet secretary, many congressional staff members, a former governor, former senior political advisors to the president of the United States, former ambassadors and former federal judges. The commonality to all of their success is the desire to serve.
USSYP Washington Week – March 1-8, 2025
Washington, D.C.
Delegates will hear major policy addresses by senators, cabinet members, officials of the Departments of State and Defense, leaders of other federal agencies and senior members of the national media. Delegates also traditionally participate in a meeting with a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the president of the United States. Most speaking events include in-depth question and answer sessions.
The Hearst Foundations will pay all expenses for Washington Week including transportation, hotel and meals. The Department of Defense (DoD) annually provides a team of competitively selected men and women officers to serve as mentors and chaperones for the student delegates, and a registered nurse, licensed physician and professional security team are in place at all times throughout an in-person week.
Any high school junior or senior student is eligible for the program provided they have not previously been a delegate to Washington Week and have not received a USSYP scholarship.
The student must hold a high-level leadership position in any one of the following student government, civic or educational organizations during the entire 2024–2025 academic year:
- Student Body president, vice president, secretary or treasurer
- Class president, vice president, secretary or treasurer
- Student Council representative
- A National Honor Society officer (including discipline-based Honor Societies such as the National English and Social Studies Honor Societies that include service components)
- Student representative elected or appointed (appointed by a panel, commission or board) to a local, district, regional or state-level civic, service and/ or educational organization approved by the state selection administrator, where the student holds a high level position of representation to a constituency in a year-round capacity providing service to others.
All student leadership positions will be verified and approved by the state selection administrator through the online pre-qualifying questionnaire.
Participation or holding an officer position in academic clubs, educational competition programs/conferences or organizations designed primarily for the student’s personal development and enrichment do not qualify a student for the USSYP, although many students who qualify participate in these activities. The positions listed below DO NOT qualify the student for the program:
- Attendance or officer position at Boys/Girls Nation or State summer conference
- Member of a National Honor Society (serving as an elected officer for the organization for the entire school year is acceptable)
- Member or leader of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or a sports team
- A founder or chairperson of a self-created group
- A participant, captain or officer in Mock Trial, Debate Team, Model UN or other academic club, mock legislature, conference or competition where the primary engagement is for individual educational benefit.
Each student must be a legal permanent resident or citizen of the United States at the time of application. Students who are not United States Citizens must be in possession of their I-551 / “green card” at the time of application to be eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled for the entire academic year in a public or independent high school located in the state (and for these purposes the District of Columbia) in which at least one of their parents or guardians currently resides. Home-educated students must be approved by their state department of education to apply.
Program Rules
- All delegates must agree to fully block both arrival and departure travel days to participate in Washington Week.
- No tours or trips will be permitted by individual delegates while traveling to or from Washington, D.C. or while in Washington, D.C. This policy includes any other outside activity, conference, scholarship competition or event of another organization that is conducted in Washington, D.C. or the surrounding area during the time frame of the USSYP Washington Week, and includes any outside appointment or event during the program week. All travel provided by The Hearst Foundations is round-trip only and scheduled within the time frames listed below:
Arrival D.C.: Saturday, March 1, between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Departure D.C.: Saturday, March 8, between 5:00 AM and 9:00 AM - The chief state school officer from each state, the District of Columbia and DoDEA must submit in writing to The Hearst Foundations by December 1, 2024, the names of the two delegates and two alternates. Upon confirmation of qualifications, the program requires each delegate to submit a statement of participation including a code of conduct agreement to be signed by students and parents/legal guardians. All program rules apply to the group as a whole, defined as minors.
- Code of Conduct: Delegates will be the guests of the United States Senate and The Hearst Foundations throughout the program, whether in-person or online, and are required to conduct themselves with civility, dignity and professionalism. Debate and discussion are actively encouraged in an environment of tolerance, respect and inclusion. Students selected to the program are serving as at large public representatives of their states, communities and schools, and attend the program to learn from the speakers and from one another. Students are prohibited from engaging in lobbying, petitioning, protest or overt political activism during Washington Week. Cyber bullying and bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Delegates must comply with all program health and safety policies.
- It will be the responsibility of the parents/ legal guardians to transport (at their expense) each delegate to the nearest commercial airport or train station that provides round-trip travel to Washington, D.C., from their hometown. All itineraries will be designed for the least amount of travel time and most direct routing.
- No arrangements for individual religious practices or services other than dietary guidelines will be made during an in-person Washington Week. This policy will be strictly observed from the time the student delegates arrive at the Washington area airports, train station and program site until they return home.
- The program does not allow any individual or group athletic activities outside of the hotel facility.
- Failure to abide by rules and requirements of the program will result in dismissal from the program and forfeiture of the $10,000 scholarship award. Rules related to the USSYP and scholarship award shall be construed, interpreted and applied by The Hearst Foundations, whose action and determination shall be final and binding.
The Hearst Foundations believe it is in the public interest to encourage these outstanding young people to continue their educational development. The $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship award is subject to the conditions and requirements specified below. Additional detailed scholarship information will be provided to the delegates after Washington Week. Certificates representing the award will be presented to the delegates during their visit to Washington, D.C., often personally signed by their senators.
- The $10,000 college scholarship and attendance at the Washington Week program are one, inseparable award. Delegates must participate in the Washington Week program in accordance with all program rules and policies in order to receive the financial scholarship.
- The USSYP scholarship is designated for undergraduate college study only at an accredited United States college or university. All students are encouraged to include history, political science or related subjects in their undergraduate program.
- The $10,000 scholarship is designated for the specified student’s education expense and must be used within four years after enrollment. Funds are paid directly to the college or university in the student’s behalf. No funds may be given directly to a student. The scholarship will be issued in either one payment of $10,000 or increments of $5,000 or $2,500.
- Students attending military academies (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard) may draw the USSYP scholarship per the guidelines to purchase required military uniforms, books, computer equipment and other educational materials.
- A student will automatically forfeit eligibility for a scholarship award by failure to abide by all rules and requirements pertaining to the program and the scholarship or in the event of misconduct as a delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program.
Program Timeline
- August 2025
WVDE updates the website and electronically sends program brochure, deadlines, and a link to the pre-qualifying questionnaire to public and non-public high schools. - September 13
Last day to submit a pre-qualifying questionnaire. - September 18-19
Student applications are emailed to school counselors and students. - October 6
DEADLINE for completed student application (online) - October 10, 11, 12
Online Exam; a link to the exam will be emailed to school counselors. All candidates within a school must take the exam on the same day at the same time being proctored by the school counselor. - October 19-20
Semifinalists will be notified of advancement to the final interviews. - November 9
The semifinalists will interview with a selection committee. - December
Selection confirmations are submitted to the Hearst Foundations and state winners are announced. - March 1-8, 2025
63rd Annual Washington Week
Test Administrator Responsibilities
- Have students complete and submit the online pre-qualifying questionnaire by September 13, 2024. School counselors will be informed which of their students have qualified by October 1, 2024. The student application with instructions will be emailed to each counselor.
- Assist students in completing and submitting the entire application for qualified applicants by October 1, 2024. Semi-finalists will be informed by October 21-22.
- Email Test Administrator’s Confidentiality Agreement to Dustin Lambert.
- Administer the online test on October 10, 11, 12 to qualified applicants.
Pre-Qualifying Questionnaire
The pre-qualifying questionnaire is the first step in the application process. This questionnaire must be completed by students by September 13, 2024.
Supporting Documents
- 2024 Official USSYP Brochure
- Test Administrator’s Confidentiality Agreement (Word Doc) (to be emailed to Dustin Lambert)
- Principal Certification Letter (to be uploaded to the online student application)
- USSYP Authorization Form (to be uploaded to the online student application)
Contact Us
For more information, please contact our Coordinator of Student Enrichment.