World Languages
Why teach world languages?
The Need for Language Learning
World languages are key in education. They prepare students for global jobs. West Virginia schools support bilingualism. This opens more opportunities. Without language skills, students fall behind. They miss out compared to peers in other states and countries. Multilingual communities attract foreign investment. This, in turn, boosts the economy.
Focus on Practical Language Use
Language learning now emphasizes growth and lifelong learning. In the past, students had to conjugate verbs or translate in classes that used only English. Now, classes use real-life scenarios and stories. The aim is to build communication skills in the target language. This method ensures lasting benefits and skills.
Language Learning in Career and Technical Education
The WVDE is expanding language learning in Career and Technical Education (CTE). This includes a program for American Sign Language. It paves the way to interpreter jobs. Students can also explore languages and cultures. This is especially relevant in fields like culinary arts, international business, and entrepreneurship.
HeaderSeal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is a nationally recognized student award for proficiency in English and at least one other language.
Resources for Parents
Linguafolio® is an online portfolio for West Virginia students who are studying or speak a second language. Students can assess their progress and set goals for future language learning as well as share their Linguafolio® with their instructors, friends, families or employers.
Middle and Secondary Initiatives
View our statewide academic initiatives to support the growth of students in grades 6 to 12.
Student Events and Programs
View our events and programs that showcase student excellence and achievements.
Resources for Teachers and Administrators
World Language Teaching Resources
Access resources and communities for world language educators to continue to learn and develop their teaching practices and how they conduct student assessments.
College- and Career- Readiness Standards for World Languages
The West Virginia College and Career Readiness Standards for World Languages has set forth expectations for world language study for all West Virginia students in secondary schools. These standards reflect the shift toward life-long language learning.
Can-Do Statements for Students
College and Career Readiness Standards are written in the form of Can-Do Statements. By using self-assessments, students determine the tasks that they can complete and set goals for reaching a higher proficiency level in the future.
Policy Resources
Policy 2510 provides the foundation for high-quality middle and high school educational programming. View best practices and implementation resources.
Standards for Student Success
Our approach to student success focuses on the holistic development of middle and secondary students and their educational experience.
Canvas Courses
Courses designed to support World Language Educators. Requires a k12 account to log in.
Contact Us
For more information, contact our Office of Middle and Secondary Learning.