Various annual funding opportunities are made available to LEAs utilizing both federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and state special education dollars. Each opportunity has its own application process that requires specific documentation.
High Cost/High Acuity
The High Cost/High Acuity Reimbursement Application for students who have high-cost expenditures or have been placed in out-of-state facilities by the court system is an annual submission for the period July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. Please contact Karen Finney at for more information.
Special Education Plan for IDEA and State Entitlement Funds
Updated: May 25, 2022
Funds are awarded to the WVDE by the United States Department of Education, The Office of Special Programs and the State of West Virginia, to “flow through” to the LEA contingent upon an LEA’s application for Part B funds.
LEAs will be required to submit an annual application for IDEA and State Entitlement Funds through GPS. When allocation amounts are received by the WVDE from OSEP in the spring, the application will be updated with the new amounts and information. A notification will be sent to the Special Education Directors when the application is live. An approvable application must be completed by June 30th.