The dance performance(s) for the 2025 Arts Alive will be chosen through a submission process. Arts Alive wants to include more original teacher and student work in the showcase performance. If you, your students, school dance team, or your classes have a piece you feel should be considered for Arts Alive, please follow the submission guidelines below:
Prepare a video of an original dance piece.
Film the dance piece in a studio, gym, or stage with FULL lights. No light cues or fade out or up. This allows the committee to see the full piece. However, there can be light cues for the performance.
Content must not contain material or language that may be considered inappropriate for a family-centered audience. Be judicious in music and movement choices.
Suggested length is 5 minutes or less showing a completed or nearly finished piece.
If available, please wear costumes for the video. If not, please have the dancers wear all black.
Piece can be the work of a single choreographer or a collaborative effort among students or between teacher/students or guest artists. The piece does not have to be from a performance.
Include all relevant program information (e.g. title, music, choreographer, dancer(s), costume, and design ideas).
Digital submissions can be submitted using the application.
All submissions must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 14, 2025.
Those accepted will be notified via email on or before Friday, March 21, 2025.
If you have questions about DANCE submissions, please contact Tabetha Moore:
Teachers may submit an application for an original dance performance using our Microsoft form.