Music performance(s) for the 2025 Arts Alive program may be chosen from online submissions through the West Virginia Department of Education and state music education professional associations’ adjudicated events and conferences (e.g. WVMEA, WVACDA).
Submission guidelines are as follows:
Prepare a video of your vocal (choir) or instrumental (band, strings) ensemble or solo vocal or instrumental work(s). Note that instrumental ensembles are not limited to traditional band or strings but may include Orff instruments, steel drums, handbells, recorder consorts, Mariachi bands, folk and ethnic instrumentation (e.g. blue grass fiddlers) and other non-traditional ensembles. The audition video does not have to be from a performance.
Musicians need to be dressed in all black or ensemble uniform for the video.
Content must not contain material or language that may be considered inappropriate for a family-centered audience.
Suggested length is 5 minutes or less showing a work in progress with promise or a completed or nearly finished piece.
Include all relevant program information (e.g. titles, composers, performers) and any costume and design ideas if applicable.
Digital submissions can be submitted using the application.
All submissions must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 7, 2025.
Those accepted will be notified via email on or before Friday, March 21, 2025.
If you have questions about MUSIC submissions, please contact: