The technical assistance centers (TACs) create a broader support network to meet students’ needs. They offer improved professional development, technical assistance, and collaboration to:
Early and elementary learning service providers
STEAM providers
Behavioral and mental health providers
Special education providers (and more)
Services for these education professionals and staff members are important because they:
Know which supports are most beneficial for achieving positive learning outcomes.
Provide schools, educators, and families with content that builds onto existing classroom content.
The STEAM TAC: West Virginia University
The science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) TAC helps spark creativity and passion for STEAM-related learning in students and educators alike. Hands-on classroom immersions expose students to different career clusters through design projects. The STEAM TAC is available for middle and high school classrooms.
Mental and Behavioral TAC: Marshall University
The Behavior/Mental Health TAC helps meet student behavior/mental health needs and improves existing school efforts. The TAC also offers training and technical assistance to meet other educational needs of students.
West Virginia Outreach Center for the Deaf and the Blind
The West Virginia Outreach Center for the Deaf and the Blind supports deaf/hard of hearing, blind/low vision, and deaf/blind students with resources that help them find success in the classroom. This TAC provides local education agencies with statewide educational support that assists students with sensory loss to transition into employment.