Center for Accessibility and Transitions
The Center for Accessibility and Transitions is located in Romney, West Virginia, on the campus of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, offers high-quality local, regional, and statewide services. The facility also offers one-stop access to partner-agencies that support the broader needs of families and individuals.
This TAC focuses on two delivery targets.
Scaled supports for county and school-level staff who work with students that require modifications to access curriculum.
A collaboration of services ranging from Birth to Three to Adult Education to meet the diverse and wide-ranging needs of individuals and families.
Mission and Vision
To educate, train, guide, and support district administrators, educators, and related service providers in order to build understanding and implement best practices to support students with print and access exceptionalities.
To improve educational equity for students with access exceptionalities by providing educational materials and supports statewide through training and technical assistance to district staff.
Did you know?
Accessibility is giving equitable access to everyone along the continuum of human ability and experience including deaf, hard of hearing, blind/low vision, deaf/blind, specific learning disabilities students and anyone requiring assistive technology to access their educational or work environment.
TAC supports are scaled to best meet the range of needs of children and those who teach and care for them.
- Statewide Conference
- Website
- Webinars
- Resources
- Contact Information
- Help Desk
- Trainings for Staff
- Devices
- Programs
- Support for helping students
- County-Requested Training
- Multi-day training for staff
- Mentoring
- Coaching staff on best practices
- Personalized trainings
- Individual Evaluations
Collaboration of services are offered by partner agencies and provide a spectrum of supports and resources to individuals and families.
- WV TAC for Accessibility and Transitions
- WV Birth to Three
- WV Instructional Resource Center (IRC)
- WV Division of Rehabilitation Services
- WVDE TAC Outreach
- Eastern Panhandle Instructional Cooperative (EPIC)
- WV Adult Education
- Strategic Planning in Occupational Knowledge for Employment and Success (SPOKES)
More Information
Mary Anne Clendenin
Executive Director
301 E. Main Street,
Romney, WV 26757