Technical Assistance and Support
The Office of Federal Programs and Supports, Special Education Services is committed to the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for all students in West Virginia, while placing emphasis on improving educational outcomes for students with exceptionalities.
We provide universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance for academic instruction and social/emotional behavior strategies through a multi-tiered system of supports (WVTSS). Districts are provided with differentiated support for improving graduation and post-secondary outcomes through the West Virginia Guideposts to Graduation work.
Accessible Educational Materials
Professional Learning
- Universal Protocol for Accommodations in Reading (uPAR)
- AEM Navigator
- AEM Explorer
- Provision of AEM to Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Assistive Technology
Professional Learning
- Application for Assistive Technology Supplemental Funding Grant
- Assistive Technology Guidance Document
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
Professional Learning
Results Driven Priorities
The West Virginia Results-Driven Priorities (WV-RDP) was developed to improve results for all students, including students with disabilities. RDP emphasizes child outcomes such as performance on assessments, graduation rates, and early childhood outcomes. Districts are required to use data to identify gaps in student performance, analyze district systems and then implement targeted, evidence-based reforms to address the gaps. It is critical for the State and districts to develop an improvement plan in a manner that is aligned with the State’s and district’s existing improvement initiatives and reform efforts which are focused on supporting College- and Career- Readiness.