Communication Matrix

What is the Communication Matrix?

The Communication Matrix is an assessment tool created to help professionals and family members support individuals with complex communication needs. 

Foundational Modules

The Communication Matrix Intervention Modules are organized so that the three-part “Communication Matrix Life After the Assessment: The Foundation for Intervention” is viewed first. The “Essential Strategies” should be viewed next, followed by viewing the videos for the one or two levels where the individual is functioning as identified on the Communication Matrix.

We recommend reviewing these foundational modules first.

Administering the Communication Matrix

Learn how to administer the Communication Matrix in this 1-hour long video.

Parent Experiences

Hear from parents who've experienced the benefits of The Communication Matrix.

Life After the Assessment: The Foundation for Intervention

The Foundation For Intervention and the Intervention Essential Strategies modules (listed above) should be watched before any of these modules.

Additional Information

Intervention Planning

Tools and resources for those planning intervention.

Communication Matrix References & Attributions

References and special thanks for those who contributed to Communication Matrix materials.

Georgia Sensory Assistance Project (GSAP)

Georgia Sensory Assistance Project

Special thanks to Martha Veto and Heather Boyle from the Georgia Sensory Assistance Project (GSAP) for collaborating with the West Virginia Team on the resources for these modules. GSAP is a discretionary federal grant-funded through the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to increase the capacity of education teams and families to educate children who are deaf-blind. GSAP provides consultation, training, and resources for educators, service providers, and families of children and youth with combined vision and hearing loss, from birth through 21 years of age, across the state of Georgia.

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