Comments from parents that have experienced the benefits of the Communication Matrix.
"As overwhelmed parents of a newly diagnosed deaf plus child, we didn’t understand how to navigate much of what we had just been handed. Not knowing anyone with hearing loss, and with no background in communication issues or training, we had no clue where to start. The Communication Matrix provided sensible information with logical ways to help our child that just made sense to us and were easy to implement. Our little boy has excelled more than we even envisioned."
“The Matrix was such a simple tool we used to learn about Maryn’s communication and how to help her reach the world. The Matrix helped us learn how to understand language in ways which enabled us to reach Maryn where she was on that journey. It was so enlightening and educational as to what, when and how to support her.
Maryn is now 15. Her first Matrix was done when she was about four. I wish we had known about it even earlier. It was our amazing deaf-blind specialist that introduced us to it. Because of that education, we went from knowing nothing and Maryn having no words to her using a dynamic communication device. You just never know unless you have the tools to explore and support. And we have video to document her journey.”
“The Communication Matrix helped me get creative in methods to communication with my son and in a way that is more interesting to him. The Communication Matrix helped me understand more ways to engage in communication with my son, especially with his sensory deficits.”